Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Decision Is In, This Petition has Ended (Important Note in 3rd paragraph!!!)

First I want to thank all of you who worked to bringing this important issue to light. All of you who copied petitions and carried them to your meeting places and spread the word about this effort. Although we did not garner the numbers needed (see the following "Update.. " to see the final numbers) I think it was and remains a noble effort to ensure that our elected leaders realize that there are those of us out here that are watching. We insist that our organization pursue the objectives as outlined in our Bylaws and that we will not take kindly to those who, inadvertently or not, make our lives, sport, methods of defense, our very freedoms harder to hold onto.

This effort has "rung the bell" at NRA HQ loud and clear. Our message has gotten through even if we didn't get the recall pushed through. No problem. I've been told, as I wrote earlier, that a stern message was delivered to all the Board members to watch what they say and who they say it to. We were a part of that.

I've created a new website at where active and interested NRA voting members can sign up to become "Minutemen". This list will be kept privately and in the event another petition is needed we'll have the requisite number of members so in the future a validated petition can be had in a matter of weeks if not days. Also this site will have other member's petitions and their information as needed. If you sent me a petition I ask that you sign up to be a Minuteman. I'd like to write each one of you before I destroy all the petitions but that is going to cost over $73 (.41 x 180, plus envelopes and paper). I received $1 dollar as a donation to the cause (Thank you!). All other expenses were born by me. (These included P.O. Box rental, a binder, site hosting for download file [free but I bought the hotlink so it would be easy to "click and download" instead of having to navigate through myriad buttons and links to get to the file], dividers, tabs, and the time, gas, and wear and tear on the vehicle to go to Box [almost daily since mid-October].)

It is very important that all of us spread the existence of this new site to all voting members. I estimate that we've got over one million voting members in the NRA. We might have touched around a percent with this petition (with luck!). We need to let a much larger slice of voting members know about this so they can sign up. I'd like a thousand or two. That's only about 16/10,000ths of a percent!! That way we'll never be caught short again. It can only bring more health and vitality to our Organization!!

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