Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Membership Dynamics: What We've Forgotten

It starts with the membership taking control of the Board of Directors. WE HAVE THE POWER ACCORDING TO THE BYLAWS TO END THIS INSANITY but most of us choose to whine and cry then pull the sheets back over our heads. Help me out with this and we can start fixing the problem one Board member at a time.

I say again, if we meet the requirements for the recall it must go forward. NO one at NRA headquarters can stop it. WE vote pro 2A folks in, they can't stop us. IT'S IN OUR HANDS. We are 4.3 million strong. If the NRA IS DOING SOMETHING we don't like IT'S OUR OWN FAULT!! We can have the best and most powerful pro gun group that has ever existed on the planet IF we take few minutes to do the right thing!

If we did this every time a board member stepped out of line with the bylaws (as I believe Mr. Jackson has done, see above) and hurt our efforts to restore American's 2A rights we can yank them. All it takes is a voting membership willing to spend 15 minutes to research (I've included links to make it easy) and sign a petition. This is our club and we are responsible for how it is operated. If it's not operating the way we want then it's our fault if we don't fix it.

After reading several threads and the "leave the NRA" comments it has dawned on me that we MUST fight to control the board of the NRA. Here's why:

The NRA is ("we are" let's take ownership of OUR club!) over 4.3 million strong. Okay, so many might be fudds who haven't the slightest care in the world as to what goes on in or around the DC Beltway. But the NRA hierarchy isn't going to go anywhere, in the foreseeable future. You'd rather there be no one at least trying to watch the gate? What will happen if even our pressure is gone? You guys, the ones that care enough (and have the brains) to become upset enough to want to leave are the very ones with the passion and intelligence to do good work INSIDE the NRA in righting the wrongs! Who's left once you're gone? Me and a few more like me, and all the fudds (and like the Silent Majority are "no count").

Bottom line, we must prevail with the NRA or at least be such a pain in the butt they must hear us always. Personally I think we can prevail. It's the right thing to do.

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